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A Celebration of Poetic Expression

At Aspirall we love celebrating World Poetry Day, because it holds a particularly special significance for us. Our very own talented CEO, Tanya Diesel, is a brilliant poet and is in the midst of publishing her second poetry book, due to be released soon.

Tanya’s first poetry book, Endless Tomorrows, was well received in 2020 with a collection of powerfully moving poems about nature, humanity and our Earth, paired with striking images. If you haven’t yet got a copy of Endless Tomorrows, click here.

Tanya's love for poetry began at school and was later developed through her studies at university in English, French and Italian literature. Enthralled throughout her life by nature and the wilderness, and profoundly moved by the human tragedy of apartheid, she is spurred on in her pursuit of expressing her desire for more kindness, respect and love in the world through her beautiful way with words and her work as a visionary transformational consultant.

So, as we celebrate the diversity of poetic expression from all poets around the world, we would like to share one of Tanya’s poems from her latest book with you.

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